A Visual Sneak-Peek

Occupying the first floor of the iconic Pentagon building in the heart of Chatham, we want to create a coworking space that is an inspiring and engaging urban oasis.

At Ascend, we believe that your workspace plays a pivotal role in your success. Our flexible workplaces are meticulously designed to accommodate teams of all sizes and stages. Whether you're craving a virtual setup, a dynamic hot desk to ignite your next project, a dedicated space for deep work, or a private office that reflects your company's personality.

Our commitment is simple: we make everything work seamlessly, allowing you to focus on delivering your best work.

Club Lounge

A hot-desk for the freelancer, satellite worker or lone wolf who needs space to focus and inspiration.

Dedicated Desk

A dedicated workspace for freelancers, satellite workers, or solo entrepreneurs seeking a focused environment to ignite their next project.

Private Office

Step into your private oasis of inspiration and focus. An exclusive office space for small teams or businesses looking to offer hybrid working.

Virtual Office

A versatile workspace solution for freelancers, satellite workers, or independent professionals looking to concentrate and drive their next project.

Day Pass

Your ticket to a day of relentless productivity. Join fellow freelancers, satellite workers, and solo heroes in our dynamic workspace, the ultimate launchpad for your next project.

Gather at Ascend - Meeting Rooms & Events

At Ascend, we understand the importance of flexible and productive meetings. Our meeting rooms and event spaces are thoughtfully designed to adapt to your needs, whether it's a quick team huddle, boardroom rental, or a full-scale networking event.

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